NotBaiki Logo

Hi, I am NotBaiki

I am a Notion Template maker.

My goal is to make high quality, and I plan to teach you about how to make it.

Right now I am already selling Notion Template, but I also want you to create it, so I will make some course about it. It is in progress right now.

Stay tuned for my product and course

NotBaiki Logo

Hi, I am NotBaiki

I am a Notion Template maker.

My goal is to make high quality, and I plan to teach you about how to make it.

Right now I am already selling Notion Template, but I also want you to create it, so I will make some course about it. It is in progress right now.

Stay tuned for my product and course

Join My Newsletter

You will get all of my new release Notion Template there. You will also include get exclusive discount and offers too.

I am also planning for making new content too in the newsletter. So stay tuned…

Join My Newsletter

You will get all of my new release Notion Template there. You will also include get exclusive discount and offers too.

I am also planning for making new content too in the newsletter. So stay tuned…